Hey all,
I’m Colleen Blaho, and I’m the new domain master. I’m from Aston, PA and this is my first year at Drexel. But there’s another big milestone this year too — my first year of secular schooling! I’m a one of those atheist Unitarian Universalists your pastor warned you about, and I study godless computer devices. Many of the fathers of computing were atheists, and most of the companies were Heathen-Madeā¢!
Introductions and goofiness aside, I have a bit of news to share. Recently we opened up registration, and I’ve seen an influx of suspicious accounts. I’ve set these accounts to “Subscribers” which means your account is READ-ONLY. If you want me to promote you to contributor, please send an email to admin (at) drexelfreethought.org. In your email, please convince me you’re a real person, and tell me what your favorite study space on campus is! Yes, we actively discriminate against non-Turing compliant devices.
Thanks guys! With much happiness,
Colleen Blaho
Colleen, looks like you’re doing great. Don’t forget to hop the train to NY and DC. You’ll never regret it.