General contact: drexfreethought :at: gmail :dot: com
David McDevitt, President – president {at} drexelfreethought {dot} org
David McDevitt is an undergraduate working for his degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in biological sciences. He works in Prof. Tangorra’s Laboratory for Biological Systems Analysis, in collaboration with Prof. Lacovara’s Paleontology Laboratory. David is affiliated with many groups in Philadelphia, including The Freethought Society, The Ethical Humanist Society of Philadephia, and a number of atheist meetup groups. He works hard to build bridges between the various free thinking organizations in the area as well as foster new ones. He also loves nature and science, trying to combine all his passions in his research.
Dante Hinson, Vice President – vicepresident {at} drexelfreethought {dot} org
Richard Campbell, Treasurer – treasurer «at» drexelfreethought «dot» org
Joseph Kendall, Secretary – secretary ‹at› drexelfreethought ‹dot› org
Colleen Blaho, Media Administrator cpb49 :at: drexel :dot: edu
Colleen is an undergraduate computer science major with a bend for the performing arts. Colleen keeps track of all the electronic media for the Society, and spends way too much time behind a computer screen.
James D. Herbert, Ph.D., Faculty Advisor
Prof. Herbert is Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology at Drexel University, where he directs the Anxiety Treatment and Research Program. Dr. Herbert’s research focuses on acceptance-based behavior therapy, the psychopathology of anxiety disorders, remote Internet-based clinical services, and the promotion of evidence-based practice in mental health; he has published over 150 scientific papers, book chapters, and books on these topics. He is Associate Editor of the Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice and the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, and a Fellow of the Institute for Science in Medicine, the Commission for Scientific Medicine and Mental Health, and the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.
Dr. Herbert lives in Ardmore, PA with his wife and children. He is actively involved in his community, and in his free time enjoys running and gardening.